Casuarina and Black Cockatoos
Client: Sydney Metro led by Landcom
Location: Implexa Parade, Tallawong
Artists: Barahanos Byrne (Tina Barahanos & Alexandra Byrne) with Leanne Redpath (Watson)
Title: Casuarina and Black Cockatoos
Year: 2021
Medium: Digital image for vinyl printed hoarding panel
Dimensions: Variable ie. Four sections that can be combined in various configurations to any length. H2mxW2m, H2mx5m, H2mxW10m, H2mxW20m.
Context: Artwork for Sydney Metro Northwest Places Creative Hoarding Program led by Landcom. Currently on view at Tallawong Station, Rouse Hill NSW.
Near the Casuarinas, along the creek, is a safe place. We will find each other there. It is good to see you on Dharug land... Budyari Naawunya Darug Nurrawa.
This artwork shares Darug/Dharug and English words about forests and feeling good in a place. These are superimposed over Casuarina needles and leaf shadows as Black Cockatoos fly overhead. For Dharug people, trees are recognised as people and maintain a unifying presence in the landscape, holding and sharing information about the places we all live.
The artists live and learn on Dharug land and hold a deep love and respect for their environment. Their words help them to grow and transform alongside their communities.
Public Art Curator: Amanda Sharrad
Images show various parts of the current installation which is approximately 200m in length.